Shipping Policy

Most packages are shipped through Canada post using the option chosen and paid for at check out by the customer. If your order qualifies for free shipping we will use regular or expedited shipping in Canada and standard air mail or tracked package for USA and international orders. For USA customers using standard air mail please be aware that there will not be tracking available and if the package gets lost or does not arrive we will not be responsible for a refund. There is always an option for tracking.

Please allow 1-5 "business" days for the order to be processed and 5-14 business days for the package to arrive. Do you need the order faster? If you would like tracking on your package there is an option at check out. All tracked packets come with $100 insurance Only - if you want to Buy more Message me Before placing your order.

International Customs

We are not responsible for delays at the Boarder with Customs or lost mail. Packages lost in the mail that were shipped with standard air (with out tracking) will not be refunded. If a tracking number is provided you must contact your local post office before contacting us.

Please note that customs and brokerage fees may apply for USA or international shipments. These fees vary from country to country and New Moon Tea Co. is not responsible for payment of such fees.

Please understand that shipping internationally may take time. We hope that you can understand these terms and agree to them, thank you in advance. if you feel there is a chance the package will not arrive please do pay for a tracked package. We are more than willing to ship over seas to most countries but can not be held responsible for packages that do not arrive with out tracking.